
Tomoko Fuse

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |


Cloud of stars

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

The model is designed by David Michell and you can find the diagram in book "Paper Crystals".


More of Morning Glory

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

This is a model I will never stop folding..


Finding Nemo

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Facut dupa modelul lui Modular_Origami .



Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

I-am ramas datoare unui prieten cu un bursuc. Am tot cautat bursuci din hartie pe net, si din cele 3 modele pe care le-am gasit pentru singurul care mi-a placut ( European badger - al lui Jozsef Zsebe) nu am gasit diagrama. Am gasit o singura referinta, pe site-ul lui Gilad.
Asa ca l-am ales pe cel al lui Robin Glynn:

Multumesc lui d0h pentru ca mi-a dat linkul catre diagrama lui European badger de Jozsef Zsebe:


Calendário 2010

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Fiz esse calendário, e faz tempo que eu ensaiava dobrá-lo, mas nunca tinha coragem...
Fica bem legal!! ^^
** Do outro lado, tem os outros meses, de julho a dezembro...


foto tirada de uma revista de coisas de casamento... eu estava vendo a revista enquanto esperava a minha vez para ser atendida na decoradora...
vi um outro artigo de decoração e lembrancinhas em origamo em outra revista, mas não tirei foto...



School festival

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

I'm studying Primary Pedagogy at University, and since in our career we will have to organize a lot of scholar festivals, our teachers decided we should start practicing by now.
So, on Christmas, we made a huge party at University, in which we sang, we recited poems and we had a lot of fun.

And of course, origami was there too. :)
First, we organized an exposition:

And we also folded a lot of water lilies that we gave as a gift:


Nothing else matters...

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

I don't post many things that are not related to paper on my blog, but this one deserves to be seen. :)
It's a "Nothing else matters" cover sang by a Romanian man at cimbalom. It sounds truly amazing.



Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Designed by Dennis Walker, diagram here.

These are made out of cigars tinfoil:


15 Ianuarie

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Cand printre valuri ce salta
Pe balta
In ritmu usor
Lebada alba cu-aripile-n vanturi
In canturi
Se leagana-n dor;
Aripele-i albe in apa cea calda
Le scalda,
Din ele batand,
S-apoi pe luciu, pe unda d-oglinde
O barca de vant.
Mihai Eminescu - Lebada


Promoção da Noêmia

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Entrem no http://noecrocheecia.blogspot.com/ e participem da promoção dela! ^^



Alb si negru

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Tomoko Fuse Butterflies type III



Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Feliz 2010 para todos!!
Finalmente, a minha primeira postagem deste ano!! ^^
Estou postando essa bonequinha que fiz de amostra para ensinar a Rosana, minha assídua e única aluna de origami (e primeira... rs).
Como eu tinha esquecido de tirar foto antes de levar, tirei essa fotinho do celular dentro do carro, em cima da pasta... huahuahuahua... mas tá valendo, neh?
Bom, é isso... espero que gostem... ^^




Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Tasty stalks of green
bamboo forest leaves rustle
a panda bear dines

bamboo reflects
an ocean of raindrops
moving stillness

black bamboo at night
rustling during gusts of wind
neglected by owls

Cateva haiku-uri cu bambus si un pada din origami - golden venture :)
