
Peer Review

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |


Gaming Computer

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

What's Minecraft?


Origami Owl

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

This wise old owl thinks that origami is a hoot.

Check out the origami owl folding instructions.

origami owl


127 Hours of Labor

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Like father like son... and just in case you guys don't get the reference.


Happy Cripple

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |


Ce vreau de la blog anul viitor?

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Leapsa primita de la Ioana (multumesc! :) ) 

Mi-am facut blog in iulie 2010, deci nu are nici macar 6 luni (vorba Ioanei - e tinerel!). Cu toate acestea, sunt cateva lucruri care vreau sa le schimb pe viitor...

Deci: Ce vreau de la blog in 2011?

1. Sa incant in continuare lumea cu lucrarile mele...Vreau sa le aduc o bucurie cat de mica vizitatorilor mei cand intra pe acest taram al hartiei :)

2. Sa se mentina numarul de vizitatori, cel putin!

3. Sa am mai mult timp pentru postari si implicit pentru origami...

4. Sa scriu in continuare fara diacritice - comoditatea asta!

5. Sa sufere "o schimbare de look" (imbunatatita!).

Leapsa merge la Elyda, Paula si Lipo!


Merry Christmas everyone!

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

My Christmas tree: it has 50 cm height and it's made out of 1205 pieces.






Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Happy Awkward Holidays!


What Do You Want For Christmas?

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Happy Holidays! If all went well you're probably reading this on your new laptop or ipad. Hope you guys got some good loot and make sure to scroll down to see today's second comic. 


Feliz Natal!!

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Estou passando rapidinho para desejar a todos um Feliz Natal e um 2011 repleto de muitas realizações...

... e muitas dobrinhas, claro!! ^^



How Se7en Should've Ended

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Does this count as Christmas joke? Hopefully you guys will get both references, if not... watch Se7en and this: SNL Skit.


Winter Project 1 - Brad Golden Venture

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Suntem in ajunul Craciunului, iar eu tocmai mi-am terminat bradutul! Parca asa simt mai mult spiritul Craciunului, chiar daca am si bradul artificial, pe care il impodobesc in fiecare an cu bucurie. :) ... Acest bradut e usor de realizat, necesita un numar mai mare de module (637), dar sunt usor de impaturit si asamblat. Tutorialul folosit de mine este cel realizat de Cridiana.

Brad Golden Venture

Sper sa va placa! :) Craciun fericit tuturor!


Inception Dolls

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Really happy with how this one turned out. 


What Facebook Really Needs...

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |


Origami Horse

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

This origami horse is fun and easy to make.

Here's the link to our instructions for the origami horse.

origami horse


Novos brinquedos... ^^

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Vim mostrar para vcs as minhas novas aquisições... ^^
Furadores Martha Stewart... são muito legais e suuper carooosssss...
Esses eu pedi para uma amiga que mora nos EUA comprar...

Tenho mais um outro, da mesma marca, que comprei aqui no Brasil (paguei umas 4 vezes mais caro do que lá... >_<) É muito legal... os conjuntos, vem a cantoneira e a borda... assim que der um tempinho, mostro no papel... ^^



Gay Marriage Rally

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Yea... I don't really know what to say about this one.


Floral globe garlands

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |
















Orisampa - Último do ano!

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

A tchurma que participou do encontro...

Minotauro que ganhei no Origamigo Secreto

No domingo teve o último encontro do Orisampa este ano...
A Agnes nos ensinou a fazer um gorrinho de papai noel, mas Diana, Sayuri e eu cabulamos a aula para fazer corujas de Roman Dias... bem, não tirei fotos, pois ele acabou virando barata amassada... ou amassagami... como queiram... rs
Depois a Cáu (visitante de Manaus, junto com o Daniel Thomás), nos ensinou a fazer o Kusudama Gii, o meu, acabou virando guirlanda, batizada como Guirlanda Gii... sem fotos também (esqueci de levar a câmera)...

Bem, depois da aula e dos bate papo, teve o tradicional Origamigo Secreto...
E pela segunda vez consecutiva, fui tirada por um homem...
Desta vez foi o Alex, do Orkontro... ele me deu esse Minotauro... que demorou mais de 2 horas para ser confeccionado. Muito legal, né?! (coisa de nerd... rssss)

Ganhei vários presentinhos, mas ainda não tirei fotos.

Essas fotos foram gentilmente cedidas pela Diana.

Nossa, escrevi demais... rsss



The Birds and The Bees

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

The scary part is my dad suggested this idea to me... not even kidding.


Imma be...

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Puns. (And just for the record I do not enjoy this song.)


Bear Grylls

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |


Why Youtube Shouldn't Have a Comments Section

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

When will people realize insulting Justin Bieber isn't funny or original anymore.


The Right Demographic

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |


Easy Origami Christmas Tree

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Dear Reader,

If you need quick and easy Christmas decorations, check out our easy origami Christmas tree.

Origami Christmas Tree


Promoção da Vânia Passos

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Vim divulgar a promoção que a Vânia Passos está fazendo no blog dela...
Quem quiser participar, corra, pois é até amanhã! ^^



TSA Attempts to be Friendly

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Bam more TSA comics!


Un soi de porumbel

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Am vrut sa scriu cateva cuvinte despre kirigami, deoarece initial am incadrat porumbelul in aceasta tehnica si dand un search pe wiki am descoperit ca de fapt kirigami este o ramura a paper-cutting-ului (mon-kiri in japoneza) care nu are legatura cu modelul meu :

Kirigami (jap: kiru = a taia, kami = hartie) este o variatie de origami care include si taierea hartiei. De obicei, in kirigami se porneste de la o forma de baza (origami) care este mai apoi taiata si la final se desface si se aplatizeaza pentru a obtine obiectul dorit. Majoritatea modelelor kirigami sunt simetrice (exemple: fulgii de nea, florile).

Asa ca am zis sa incerc sa fac si niste fulgi de nea (kirigami), modele pe care le-am facut ultima data prin scoala primara (si care imi ieseau mai bine pe atunci):

Aici aveti instructiuni despre cum se fac fulgii de nea.


Painel de Formatura

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Hoje vim postar o painel que fiz para as minhas aluninhas.
Na foto, estou com o vice presidente da associação onde eu trabalho.
E em Japonês, está escrito "Sotsuen Omedetou" (= parabéns pela formatura).
Como este ano eram só meninas, fizemos um painel com as bonequinhas representando as 5 formandas, e no fundo, a árvore de Sakura... ^^
Fez o maior sucesso! Depois do evento, as formandas puderam levar as bonequinhas para casa...

Ah! Como não sei fazer rostinhos no computador, como a Sayuri, tive que apelar... as carinhas ficaram meio tortas... mas valeu a intenção... rsss
Bem, espero que tenham gostado...


Finals Suck...

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

It's Finals week for me right now and I've got an early final tomorrow, so unfortunately I can't stay up till 2am making a comic tonight. And the rest of the day has been spent frantically studying.

So yeah sorry, but here's an awesome link that should keep you entertained in the meantime: ???


Convite de formatura

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Olá a todos!!
Faz um tempão que não apareço... estive ocupada com o trabalho... que juntou com o origami...
e resultou nesses convites de formatura das minhas aluninhas.
Ontem foi a festa de encerramento, e graças a Deus, correu tudo bem. ^^
Agora que estou quase de férias, tentarei colocar mais algumas coisinhas...

E não esqueci que estou devendo presentinhos das ganhadoras do outro blog!

Em breve, postarei o painel que fiz para as formandas.

Ah! As bonequinhas foram aquelas ensinadas pela Sayuri (do blog Yuki to Yuri) no encontro do Orisampa... e as carinhas também são dela... ^^
Arigato, Sayuri!


Origami Christmas Wreath using open frame II units from Tomoko Fuse's book, Unit Origami: Multidimensional Transformations.
One of the first origami Christmas decorations that I made (and one of the first things I had thought up on my own) was this Christmas wreath.  The concept to chain the boxes together is one that I saw elsewhere, but I don't remember seeing the idea used to connect them together in a continuous ring. 

The first unit/modular origami book that I got was by Tomoko Fuse titled Unit Origami: Multidimensional Transformations.  I love this book.  In my mind, I see this book as the "Bible" of unit origami or as the standard for unit and modular origami (probably because its my first and favorite of unit origami books).  It has a few more complex models to fold and create, but the vast majority are so simple in the folding and even in the assembling of the models that its easy to pick up and learn. 

A little closer look at the origami Christmas wreath.

One of the reasons that I love unit origami is that its a lot like playing with building blocks as a kid.  All you have to do is learn how to fold the base units, practice a few models to learn how they interlock, maybe try a few variations and then the sky is the limit.  I've found a lot of times that if you can think up the shape or structure in your mind, you can build it with unit origami.  This book offers so many different type of models and the angles in which they connect that the options are huge.  (I plan on posting a great deal of my older pictures that are models from this book.) 

The first wreath that I folded with a Christmas theme was a little different, I simply alternated the green and red cubes all the way around.  My next idea was to see if I could make one that looked more like a traditional Christmas wreath by using mostly green with a few red to make it look like the typical red bow.  I think it worked out quite nicely.  The above pictured wreath is actually the third wreath I've folded (including the very first I just mentioned). 

These are the first two traditional wreaths that I folded.  The one on the left is the first attempt and was too large.  I used squares that were 4 inches which made for easy folding and assembly, but made the wreath too large and heavy for the strength of the paper.  What's more is that I originally had 2 additional cubes in it which added to the problem.  As a result, with so many cubes it made hanging the wreath difficult due to the fact that the wreath wouldn't hold a circular shape and the connections tended to pull apart.  The one on the right is the one I folded for this season and both my wife and I like it a lot more; much more compact and easier to hang.
 One of the main reasons for creating another wreath was due to the fact that the old one had seen a few Christmases and had been moved more than once, so it was a little worn out.  Not to mention before we put it away last year I think one of my kids got a hold of it :)  Having to make another one is always fine by me because I love the process as much if not more than the finished product.  This last wreath took me about 5 hours to fold and assemble (I can't remember how long it took to cut the paper).  It includes 144 sheets of 3 inch square paper (each cube has 12 sheets and there's 12 cubes).  There is no glue or any adhesive holding it together, the unit lock together very nicely.

Once again, I love Tomoko's book.  I highly recommend it, probably my favorite origami book to date.  In the next little while I plan on showing some of the other origami Christmas decorations that we use around the house.  Until then, enjoy!

Unit Origami: Multidimensional Transformations:
