
Origami Dress-Up Paper Dolls Review

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

It has been a few weeks since I picked up Origami Dress-Up Paper Dolls book.  I've already made a few dolls for myself and also helped some of my students make theirs with this book.  Since the book was imported from Japan, I paid a little more than how much I would've paid if I waited to buy it in Japan, but for me money was worth spent.  This book turned out to be just as good as the Amazon Japan review, or even better!  I love origami and I love fashion, so this is right up my alley.

First of all, the designs of the dolls are absolutely adorable.  Here is a doll that I made using a left over paper from Origami Mushrooms for the dress.  I think she turned out pretty cool!

I find that some origami instruction books are hard to follow, but not this one.  The book is very well written.  The level of difficulty is about semi-beginner to intermediate.  The girls at my school who made these dolls have done origami with me in the past, and they are between 2nd and 5th graders.  With my help, it took each of them about two hours to finish making a doll with a whole outfit.  Each doll is made out of 10 or more pieces of paper, with all the body parts, clothing and shoes combined.  They loved it and stayed focused on the project for the whole two hours.

A large variety of clothing, accessories, and hairstyles are introduced in the book.  Even though some pieces of clothing or body parts require different sizes of paper, he explains exactly how to cut a regular size origami paper into each required size so there is no need to purchase different sizes of paper.  He also encourages you to use wrapping paper and such, and explains how to cut one into a perfect square that you need (which is by using the cardboard that comes with an origami package, FYI).

Here is a "Mini-Me" I made.  Black hair, a print skirt, and boots... That's totally me.  I had so much fun choosing paper for this outfit that made me realize this book might even help me stop my obsession for buying clothes!


Lalele in cutie

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Model: Tulip
Model traditional
Diagrama: http://origami.island-three.net/tulip.html


Origami Crown

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Dear Reader,

Here's an origami crown that will make you feel like a king or queen!

Check out these origami crown instructions.



Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

I love this model! It's so simple, so light, so fresh. The author is Paolo Bascetta, and the diagram is here.





















Origami Photo Frame

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Dear Reader,

Here's a really useful origami. Low-cost and practical, too! Check out our origami photo frame.


Valentine's Day Origami

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

I just went to teach a class at an assisted living facility for seniors.  I've enjoyed the privilege of doing this almost every month for the last two years.  It's a very rewarding and invigorating job for me especially since I believe in life-long learning.

I also believe that seniors can benefit so much from folding paper.  Many seniors suffer from arthritis so folding paper is a good rehabilitation for their hands.  It helps them to stay sharp as well, because origami is an excise that stimulates both right and left sides of the brains.  One of the residents who always come to my class is Japanese, and I suppose that doing origami helps her feel rooted to her heritage so that is another benefit for someone like her.

I love celebrating seasons and holidays, so this time I taught it in the theme of Valentine's Day.  There are so many different origami hearts, like you can see.  All of these models are from Origami Club.

But there wasn't enough time to make them all, so I showed them just two things: the heart with wings, and the heart charm.

I always try to select models that the residents can give out as gifts or use in their rooms as decorations.

Here is my dog wearing the heart as a dog tag.


Felicitare Valentine's Day

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Revin cu prima mea felicitare kirigami mai complexa, perfecta pentru Valentine's Day sau Dragobete!

Sper sa va placa!


Origami Mushrooms

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Here is a photo of an artwork that I recently created with the children for the school auction.

Each of these mushrooms is made out of a special origami paper that is polka dots on one side and complementary solid color on the other.  I applied the style of Andy Warhol portrait artwork where identical images are repeated in different colors, but handmade in origami.  Aren't they cute?  I hope it will sell!


Origami Truck

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Dear Reader,

Here's an easy truck, that can be decorated in many different ways.
Check out our origami truck instructions.


Kusudama cu crini

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |


Numai poze de data aceasta, la o kusudama pe care am facut-o pe la sfarsitul lui decembrie, si pe care am apucat sa o pozez prin ianuarie, pe vremea cand era o multime de zapada proaspata pe afara si pe care se pare ca reusesc sa o postez numai in februarie.

Acest model necesita 60 de module (30+30), usor de impaturit. E de tip modular, asamblare de tip icosahedron, dar eu am folosit lipici, pentru o stabilitate mai mare. Face parte din colectia Floral Globe a lui Tomoko Fuse, iar diagrama se gaseste in cartea Floral Globe - Tomoko Fuse.

Rhombic Patches Type III (Floral Globe by Tomoko Fuse)

Am accesorizat modelul cu un Spiky Star din 14 module (diagrama aici) si un Fluted Diamond din 2 module (fotodiagrama aici).

Spiky Star

Fluted Diamond (by Molly Kahn)


Origami Sea Lion

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Dear Reader,

Do you know the difference between a sea lion and a seal?

Check out our origami sea lion instructions to find out!

Origami Instructor

origami sea lion


Ce citeam cand eram de-o schioapa...

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Iata ca am primit o noua leapsa de la Ioana. Mi s-a parut tare draguta si m-a facut sa-mi amintesc de copilarie si de ceea ce citeam pe vremea aceea.

Prima carte care imi vine in minte ar fi Heidi, fetita muntilor, de Johanna Spyri, o carte care m-a fermecat din prima clipa...Imi amintesc ca era lectura obligatorie pentru scoala, dar mi-a placut atat de mult, incat intr-o zi sau doua am terminat-o. Din aceeasi colectie aveam si Pinocchio, de Carlo Collodi si Cartea junglei, de Rudyard Kipling, carti care le pastrez cu mare drag si in ziua de azi.
Deoarece imi petreceam o buna parte din zi prin casa bunicilor, ma mai uitam prin biblioteca lor la diferitele titluri. Asa l-am gasit intr-o zi pe Morcoveata, de Jules Renard. Imi amintesc ce ma mai amuzam pe seama lui si a nazdravaniilor pe care le facea, astfel ca abia asteptam ziua urmatoare sa merg din nou sa o citesc.
Desigur, nu lipsesc nici cartile cu multe imagini, precum cele tridimensionale-in relief. Asa erau Hainele cele noi ale imparatului, de Hans Christian Andersen si Tom Degetel. Mai tarziu, le-am daruit altor copii care iubeau cartile, sa se bucure si ei de ele si sa le infrumuseteze copilaria.
Prin clasa a patra am mers cu tata sa-mi faca abonament la Biblioteca Judeteana si prima carte pe care am luat-o a fost Aventurile lui Nils Holgersson, de Selma Lagerlöf. In acel moment am fost atat de emotionata si fericita si abia asteptam sa descopar aventurile nazdravanului Nils. Dupa scoala mergeam la mama la servici si pana plecam acasa stateam cuminte si citeam, starnind uimire printre colegele ei la cat de linistita si absorbita eram de cartea mea.

Si acum, cartea pe care pur si simplu o adoram si pe care o pastrez si in ziua de azi cu sfintenie, 366 povesti minunate pentru adormit copiii... Am primit-o la 5 ani de la parintii mei si de atunci cativa ani buni a devenit un ritual citirea ei in fiecare seara. Seara de seara asteptam cu nerabdare o noua poveste, fie ca mi-o citea mama, fie tata, nu a existat seara sa ma culc fara ea.

Desigur, au mai fost si alte carti care mi-au fermecat copilaria, dar cam acestea mi le amintesc acum si au fost preferatele mele... Si acum, dau leapsa mai departe: Elydei, lui Kiddo si oricui mai vrea sa o ia!


Rama foto

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Se pare ca m-am indragostit de quilling...asa ca am mai facut o rama foto. Rama e facuta din carton, folosind tutorialul de aici.
