
Tem Tem Temari

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Tem Tem Temari este un model foarte simplu, alcatuit din 24 de module care se asambleaza cu lipici. Fotodiagrama o gasiti aici, iar tutorialul aici.

Tem Tem Temari by Mio Tsugawa

Am accesorizat modelul cu un Loop (varianta din 6 module) si un modul de Venus.


Linking to: Creative Jewish Mom - Craft Schooling Sunday, Tidy Mom - Lemon Recipes, Thirty Handmade Days - Pity Party 47


Top Ten Origami

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Dear Reader,

Here are the most popular, Top Ten Origami on http://www.origami-instructions.com/ :


water balloon
kusudama flower

Best Regards,
Origami Instructor


Origami Rose with Leaf

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Dear Reader,

This origami rose with leaf is simple and fun to make.

Check out the origami rose with leaf instructions.

Best Regards,



Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Not to be confused with origami.  Origami means folding paper in Japanese.  Orizomegami means folding and dyeing paper. It is a paper dyeing method that is used to create patterns on liquid absorbent paper.  This art form is relatively inexpensive and also easy to learn and to achieve beautiful result.  The finished product can be used as gift wrap, book cover, collage material, or anything else imaginable.

Recently, I went to teach an orizomegami workshop for teens at a library just outside of Portland.  They experimented with different folding patterns, papers and colors.  Of course, it came out different every time, like an kaleidoscope.  The moment of unfolding paper to see the result is an exciting, kind of like opening a present!

After papers were dried, we made greeting cards out of the dyed papers.  Here is a card that one of the teens created for her mom's birthday.  She said the dyed paper (coffee filter) is an umbrella.  It really does look like an Asian umbrella!  Beautiful!

I've made greeting cards with orizomegami before, but I had never thought of using the round ones like this.  I got so inspired that I made a greeting card using a dyed coffee filter as a sunburst, with a gold origami crane flying into the sun.  I should've had the photo of it, but I just realized that I already sold it at my camp auction.  I gotta have to make another one to post it here...



Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Passiflora este un alt model deosebit creat de Ekaterina Lukasheva. Este alcatuit din 30 de module care se imbina cu lipici, dupa principiul 5 cu 3. Diagrama o gasiti aici, iar tutorialul aici.

Passiflora by Ekaterina Lukasheva


More origami in Denmark

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

I've left Denmark for quite some time now, but I'm remembering with a lot of joy all the folding we've done there.
Despite the "casual folding" that we've done whenever we felt like it, I also held origami courses once a week:













And at the end, they all received diplomas, in the name of our Origami Association. :)





Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Lazlo 8 este un model pe care-l asociez cu Lipo, deoarece la ea am vazut pentru prima oara astfel de kusudame si am ramas foarte incantata. Tot mi-am promis de aproape un an de zile ca voi incerca si eu unul, dar numai acum chiar m-am pus pe impaturit.

Model: Kusudama Lazlo 8
Autor: Lazlo
Diagrama: http://stranamasterov.ru/node/76711?tid=451%2C850

Model: Zambila
Autor: ?
Diagrama: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/eaglesuker/article?mid=7223&prev=-1&next=7153



Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Asa cum spuneam in postul precedent, mai nou ma atrag modelele cu carlionti. Un astfel de model este si Ari Jigoku Kaaru (Ant Lion’s Nest), al lui Tomoko Fuse. Este un modular extrem de simplu, alcatuit din 30 de module, rezultatul final fiind foarte dragut si stabil. Diagrama se gaseste in cartea Unit Origami Fantasy a lui Tomoko Fuse sau aici. Mi-a placut atat de mult modelul, incat ma gandesc sa-l repet, dar intr-o combinatie de culori contrastante...

Ari Jigoku Kaaru


Lily of the Nile

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Model: Lily of the Nile
Autor: Tanya Vysochina
Diagrama: cartea Origami Inspirations by Meenakshi Mukerji


Fish Curler

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Pentru ca in ultimul timp sunt tot mai atrasa de curlere si de tot ceea ce contine carlionti, am incercat inca un model din seria curlerelor: Fish Curler (by Ekaterina Lukasheva). Este un model foarte simplu, care nu necesita lipici, fiind alcatuit din 30 de module usor si rapid de impaturit. Diagrama se gaseste aici, iar filmuletul aici. Sper sa va placa!

Fish Curler by Ekaterina Lukasheva



Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Kusudama Loop a fost creata de S. Kase si este formata din 30 de module care se asambleaza prin imbinare si lipire, conform tutorialului. Este un model care necesita atentie si rabdare, deoarece principiul dupa care se asambleaza este putin mai greu, dar merita efortul.

Kusudama Loop

Am accesorizat modelul cu un Curler stelute (creat de Krystyna Burczyk - fotodiagrama), in ultimul timp devenind preferatul meu.
