
Origami Peace Tree Romania 2008

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Proiectul "Origami Peace Tree" (OPT) incearca promovarea artei origami, prin organizarea de festivaluri in diverse tari, precum Rusia, Brazilia, Koreea, Germania, Japonia, India ...

Anul acesta unul din festivaluri se tine si in Romania.

Lumea pasionata de origami poate participa la evenimentul care va avea loc in perioada 3-9 noiembrie in Iasi. Cine vrea, poate trimite pana la 3 modele de origami, care vor fi expuse pe parcursul festivalului.

Mai multe detalii puteti gasi aici: http://www.peacetree.info/romania2008.php

Acestea sunt cele 3 modele pe care m-am gandit sa le trimit:

Spiral Cube - Tomoko Fuse

Sakuradama - model traditional

Butterflies type III - Tomoko Fuse



Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

In sfarsit am reusit si eu sa fac un curler si sa folosesc toate piesele. E adevarat ca are numai 12 piese, dar nu pare. Adina mi-a dat ideea, si ii multumesc.


Share with others

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

On the Origami Romania forum we lunched a campaigne in order to promote origami - Share with others! ( click here for more information )
The idea of this campaigne, started by four forum members ( Adina, Cridiana, Elsix and Horatiu ) is to give origami to people in an indirect way: by leaving the models in the bus, or banks, or postal offices, or in any public place that comes in our minds.
On the models we will write our forum address, or simply just write "origami", so the person who will find the paper will be able to find out more about it just by doing a Google search.
We decided to do this because we believe that origami is an art that deserves all the attention and should be better known in our country.
And just like the name of our campaigne says, beautiful things are meant to be shared with others.


Origami Peace Tree Romania 2008

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

This is a project that started in Russia in 2000 and each eddition is held by another country. This year the OPT host will be Romania.

Everyone is invited to participate in this beautiful event to enrich the Origami Garden with another tree. You can send up to 3 origami figures that will become part of the exposition.

For more information, press here.

These are the 3 models that i choosed to send:

1. A Morning Glory Kusudama variation:

2. A Venus Kusudama ( made out of recycled paper ) :

3. A Pluto Kusudama:


Ainda as borboletas...

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

As borboletas aqui estão voando para todos os lados... ^_^
Estas foram para Brasília... aliás, os convites do outro post também foram para lá...

Bom final de semana a todos...



Ricardo Colletto fiore

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Kusudama facute folosind module de "Ricardo Colletto Fiore II" si crini traditionali.

Primul aranjament - 2 kusudama facute fiecare din 2x6 piese:


Aranjamentul 2 - format din 3 kusudama, cea de sus alcatuita din 12 module de "Fiore", cea din mijloc din 12 module "Fiore" si 6 de crini, iar cea de jos din 24 de crini:


Imi place foarte mult cum arata kusudamele facute folosind florile lui Ricardo Colletto. Preferata mea e http://www.flickr.com/photos/cridiana/2428430890/
Diagrama pentru "Ricardo Colletto Fiore II" o gasiti aici: http://origami.artists.free.fr/riccardocolletto/fiore/Fiore_II.pdf


Kusudama Spring

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Un model care mi se pare ca arata foarte frumos, si are un nume potrivit. Totusi, dupa ce l-am asamblat am spus ca nu voi mai face niciodata acest model, caci sustinerea pieselor e facuta numai prin lipici.
Apoi m-am gandit si la kusudama morning glory, care se asambleaza tot cam asa...si cred ca il voi mai incerca o data.



Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Un model dragut, care imi da multa bataie de cap, caci inca nu reusesc sa-l asamblez complet (adica imi mai raman piese pe afara). Modulele sunt foarte simplu de facut si asamblarea e chiar draguta...nu e nevoie de lipici.
Aici gasiti diagrama: http://www.britishorigami.info/academic/curler.htm


Origami brings us together

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

I've been in Bucharest these days and I've met some of the Origami Romania forum members.
I knew that people having a common hobby are likely to get along well, but I never imagined we could become such good friends. :)
What was suppose to be "the first meeting", soon became the second and the third one and I'm sure there are more to come.

So...here we are ( from right to left: Copilutz, Horatiu, Elsix, Adina )

Folding paper was, of course, part of our meeting:

And my favorite, a crane made out of a beer label, by Elsix. :)

And this is an extraordinary humming bird, a gift that I received from Horatiu. :D



Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Desculpem o sumiço... Embora esteja tentando responder os e_mails de todos, tenho andado sumida do blog, da internet e do computador... e provavelmente ficarei mais algum tempo sem acessar muito...
Espero a compreensão de todos, mas estamos passando por uns probleminhas aqui em casa, por isso não tenho tido tempo pro computador.

Bom, estou postando um convite de aniversário que consegui entregar essa semana. O modelo escolhido foi o de cima, mas achei legal colocar os dois... (os convites mesmo não consegui tirar foto...>_<) Bjaum... Os diagramas foram retirados do Livro da Tomolo Fuse, "Home decoration with origami" e os convites foram feitos com papel sulfite A4 colorido (gramatura 80g/m²) . Seguem os diagramas:
Parte 1

Parte 2



Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

These are two Venus kusudamas, with a small modification: tops are up!
They look like hedgehogs to me. :)
