
Origami Yakko San

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Dear Reader,

The Yakko San was the manservant to samurai warriors. You can make a very neat yakko san, based on the origami lantern.

See our Origami Yakko San instructions.

Origami Instructor

origami yakko san



Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

De catva timp imi sta gandul doar la Quilling...Ieri am reusit sa-mi adun toate materialele necesare si m-am apucat de treaba. Amintindu-mi ca azi e ziua unei prietene, am zis ca e prilejul perfect sa incerc sa-i fac o felicitare. Aveam o felicitare facuta de mai demult in tehnica Papercutting, pe care am tot pastrat-o, gandindu-ma ca intr-o zi voi ajunge sa o decorez cumva. Am folosit fasii late de 6 mm si lungi cat o coala A4 (aprox. 30 cm). Deci, sa va arat ce a iesit:




Quilling - arta rularii hartiei

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Quilling-ul este arta rularii hartiei taiate fasii, care sunt rulate si lipite pentru a crea diverse modele decorative. De-a lungul anilor, acest mestesug a mai purtat denumirea si de PAPER ROLLING (hartie rulata), PAPER-SCROLLING (hartie suport, derulata), FILIGREE (filigran),MOSAIC (mozaic). Unele surse indica faptul ca acest mestesug a fost practicat inca din Egiptul Antic, iar in ultimii ani a devenit din ce in ce mai popular in intreaga lume, putand fi practicat de persoane de orice varsta, de la copii la batrani.
Sper ca v-am trezit interesul pentru aceasta arta deosebita, iar in cele ce urmeaza va veti putea convinge ce lucruri minunate pot iesi!

In continuing with the Valentine's Day theme, now I'd like to show some of my favorite origami flowers.  Without further adieu here are some of my favorite to fold and give:
This is a common origami flower, the Iris.  Its a traditional model, so the diagrams can be found in many places.  I first learned it in the excellent book The Magic of Origami.  The model by itself is very fun to fold, nice and simple, but at the same time seems to lack a certain completeness that some origami flowers lack.  I took this model a step further for my wedding reception.
Here is an incredible picture taken by my wife's uncle (who is a fantastic photographer) at our wedding reception.  With the help of my wife and mother-in-law I was able to get the leaves looking good and have the whole centerpiece looking really good for the tables.
This is another favorite and common flower (also a traditional model).  The tulip is the first flower that I learned how to fold.  Having never had any experience with origami and thanks to the very basic instructions that I had, it took me a while to get this model down.  I first picked up origami by purchasing a small kit with paper and hard to read instructions on a trip to Hawaii with my family.  This was one of the models diagrammed in that kit.  Here is a link to instructions very similar to the ones I first learned from here :)  As with the origami Iris I've taken this model and attached it to a piece of wire with paper leaves and wrapped them in floral tape making it a little more realistic.  Sadly, I can't find any pictures of these flowers fully assembled :(
This model is a really fun one for beginners to learn, the Tulip.  The flower portion was designed by Makoto Yamaguchi with the leaf portion designed by Kunihiko Kasahara; found in the awesome beginners book The Magic of Origami.  The Tulip itself is based on the water bomb model, with a simple twist.

This model was designed by one of the great authors of Oriland, Katrin Shumakov; the model is a Matthiolis Bicornis.  If you've never had the opportunity to visit their website, its incredible.  The site is http://www.oriland.com/.  I love the diagrams that Katrin and Yuri Shumakov create, they are very detailed.  I've got 3 of the cds that they sell at their website; I love everyone of them.  This flower model is found the Origami Land cd.  I highly recommend their work.

Here is another angle of the Matthiolis Bicornis by Katrin Shumakov.  Its such an incredible model and its hard to appreciate it from just one angle.  One difficulty with this model is that the center point of the paper has a lot of folds going through it and gets a lot of movement; its easy for the paper to get a hole worked in the middle of it.  Thankfully, you can't see the hole that I worked in this flower from these pictures :)
This model is titled the Rose Brooch, designed by Toshie Takahama.  The diagrams for the model are found in The New Origami by Steve and Megumi Biddle.  Not a terribly difficult model to fold, but not completely basic; which makes it really fun to fold.  When folded from origami paper the has colors radiating from the corners (such as here) it looks a lot better.
This incredible model was designed by Valerie Vann, titled the Magic Rose Cube.  In this form, the model looks fairly plain.  From the picture you can't see that the other 3 sides of the cube are green.  The next picture shows how neat the model truly is.
Here is the model opened.  I absolutely love this model for the angular look, but still looking so much like a rose.  There is a video showing how to fold each of the 6 pieces and how to assemble them here.  Side story:  I work with one of the youth classes in my church team-teaching each week.  I love working with the kids and especially enjoy bringing origami to them for them to pick through and enjoy.  Last week I had one of these cubes in the mix and one of the girls picked it out thinking it was just a neat box.  After I showed her what it did, her face lit up and she was all the more excited to have picked it :)
This last flower is easily the hardest to fold (of the flowers featured here), but I also think is the most rewarding once done.  This is the Rose by the great Toshikazu Kawasaki; the diagram can be found in the book  Origami for the Connoiseur by Kunihiko Kasahara and Toshie Takahama.  The book is definitely one for the more advanced folder, as is this model especially.  With some practice, and probably a couple of attempts, it is possible to fold it though; and extremely rewarding when done.
Here is another shot of the same model to give a better look at the side.  I used an 8 inch sheet of colored copy paper to fold to get this size.  Visually speaking, this is my favorite flower to fold because it looks so amazing when done.  I love it.
 Origami flowers are every even more popular and prevalent than origami hearts.  They are fantastic to fold and give as a gift, especially for Valentine's Day, because unlike real flowers they don't wilt and die.  (Granted a paper flower doesn't have the aroma of a real one :)

This was a glimpse into what I enjoy giving for Valentine's Day each year.  I'll close with some further links to the books and diagrams that I mentioned.  Until next time, Enjoy!

The Magic of Origami (the Iris and Tulip models)

Again the link to the origami Tulip here.

The link to Oriland and the page for the Origami Land cd.

The New Origami (the Rose Brooch model)

The video showing Valerie Vann's Magic Rose Cube here.

Origami for the Connoiseur (the Kawasaki Rose)


Origami Tato

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Dear Reader,

The Origami Tato is a very neat and useful self-closing container. It's good for storing flat items. If you like origami boxes, you will probably like the tato.

Check out our origami tato folding instructions.

origami tato


Summer Scent

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Model: Hana no Kusudama (variatiune)
Diagrama: http://stranamasterov.ru


Origami Dress-Up Paper Dolls

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

When I was little, one of the most favorite things to play with was dress-up paper dolls, which kind of explains why I love playing dress-up.  If you have met me in person you probably have noticed me with a weird skirt one day or another.  I have a collection of skirts... and I know they are all weird...  I love fun, novelty prints not only for skirts but also for origami papers.  And I have a collection of pretty print origami papers also.

So you can imagine how I got excited when I found an instruction book on how to make dress-up paper dolls in origami.  The book is called 折り紙きせかえ人形, written by Makoto Yamaguchi, a renown origami artist in Japan.  Many of his books are translated into English, but unfortunately not this one.  When it comes to origami instructions, though you can usually understand it just from diagrams so it doesn't really matter even if it is written in a language that you don't know.  Most origami paper packages are from Japan and come with instructions written in Japanese, but my American students still use those.

Last week I ordered this book at Kinokuniya Bookstore which is inside of Uwajimaya in Beaverton and am still waiting to receive it.  It is very well reviewed on Amazon Japan.  Oh I can't wait to get it!  I will review it on this blog later. 


Mais um selinho! EEEhhh!! ^^

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Ganhei este selindo da Luciana.
Muitíssimo obrigada! ^^

E aqui as regras:

1. Repassar o selo a 15 blogs e avisar;
2. Responder as perguntas:
Nome: Elisa Hissami Asanuma Suzuki (Tchami^^)
Uma música: Sakura - Moriyama Naotaro
Humor: Depende do momento
Uma cor: amarelo
Uma estação: primavera
Como prefere viajar: com a família, sem passar mal... rsss
Um seriado: House
Frase ou palavra mais dita por você: No mundo nada se cria, tudo se copia (e aperfeiçoa...rs)
O que achou do selo: Trabalhosinho, mas legal! ^^

Os 15 blogs...
Ai, indico a todos os que passarem pelo blog! ^^



Tamanho do nó

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Ontem o Vitor me perguntou o tamanho que eu fazia os meus nós e pediu para eu tirar uma foto.
Bom, resolvi compartilhar com todo mundo! ^^
Ah! Essa régua que está embaixo do nó é ótima!! Ganhei de presente de um tio que morava no Japão... é toda quadriculada, marcada de meio em meio centímetro.
A régua toda mede 20X10 cm... tenho outra de 30X5cm e 50X5cm (essa que eu uso para marcar as carteiras). É ótima para marcar os papéis para cortar com estilete.


With Valentine's Day about a month away I've been practicing some of the heart and flower models that I love to fold and give away.  Here I'll show my favorite heart-shaped models.  There are entire books on heart-shaped origami, so this is but a small sample of what's out there.  But these are some of my favorites:

This first model is a letterfold.  I love letterfolds; they're a fun way to pass a small note to someone.  This one is particularly fun since its heart-shaped, making it a great way to give a love note to someone for Valentine's Day.  (You could even put something a little more sappy on the front instead of "open me"; something to the effect that the giver of the note is opening their heart to the receiver :)
Here is the heart-shaped letterfold opened up.  This model was designed by Alice Gray and Michael Shall.  The diagram can be found in the book The Magic of Origami by Alice Gray and Kunihiko Kasahara (with cooperation of Lillian Oppenheimer and Origami Center of America). 
This model is called 'Change of Heart'.  When dining out and leaving a tip for the waiting help, I always enjoy folding the tip into something fun.  This is a fantastic model because a US quarter fits into the center perfectly.  I can't remember exactly where I got the PDF form of the diagram that I have, but this model is found in several different places on the Internet by searching "Change of Heart Origami".
This model is called 'Double Heart' and designed by Steve Biddle.  It can be found in the book Essential Origami: How to Build Dozens of Models From Just 10 Easy Bases by Steve and Megumi Biddle.  Its folded from a single sheet of square paper with no cutting required; one of the reasons I love this model so much.  The folds are very basic and simple, making it a great model to start with and learn.
This model is designed by Francis Ow, who has an entire book on origami hearts; he has some incredible models.  The model is called 'Double Hearts'.  Again this is folded from a single sheet of paper with no cutting needed.  The diagram can be found in the book by Steve and Megumi Biddle, The New Origami.

This model is also designed by the great Francis Ow and the diagram can also be found in The New Origami by Steve and Megumi Biddle.  Its titled 'On The Wings of Love'.  This model is probably the most difficult of the ones I've shown here, but still not terribly hard; the wings being the hardest part. 

Here is a shot of the origami heart collection just shown to give a size comparison.

 I love giving origami for any occasion, and Valentine's Day is a great opportunity to do just that.  Enjoy :)

Here are some further links to find the books or diagrams to the models:

The 'Valentine Letterfold':

A video for the 'Change of Heart' can be found here.

'Double Heart' by Steve Biddle:

'Double Hearts' & 'On The Wings of Love' by Francis Ow:


The Art of Teaching Origami

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

I recently watched a documentary called Between The Folds, after hearing about it from multiple people.  It is more amazing than words can say about these origamists in this documentary.  They are true geniuses.  I realized that many people who are so captivated by origami are people with superior "left-brains," like physicists, scientists, mathematicians, engineers. 

No, not me.  I'm not like them at all.  I've done fair share of math and science courses in school like everybody else.  I did maybe average to better-than-average on those subjects.  But they were never really my favorite.  I'm definitely not a "left-brainer."  Am I an "right-brainer" then?  Not especially.  I loved drawing when I was little, but I eventually got discouraged to follow my path to creativity along the way by my no-nonsense entrepreneur parents and my 6th grade teacher.  So I had long given up on the idea of becoming an artist.  I actually chose to study mostly social sciences in college. 

How did I end up teaching origami then?  I could explain this in length, but in a nutshell, I was led by some wonderful people.  They are my college professors, my past and present employers and students, who inspired me to follow my path to the art of teaching origami.  I had been teaching for a few years before I finally realized origami is really what I wanted to teach. 

I haven't really able to create complicated models completely from scratch and turn them into diagrams.  I have created a few simple models of my own but that is about it.  But I love making origami models from instruction books and adding my own twists by turning them into dioramas, cards, framed pieces, and other decorations.  I love experimenting with different colors, patterns, textures, and sizes of papers and combining with other art forms.

And of course, I love to teach origami.  The moment when I finish teaching an origami model to a group of students - everyone is appreciating what they just made, with a sense of pride and accomplishment - is priceless.  So I always work hard to try to achieve that.  I believe that teaching origami is the art itself and what I'm blissed to do.  Over the past years I have gotten so many children completely hooked on origami, and some have taken the art form to a whole different level.  Maybe someday, I hope that they will grow up to become likes of those genius origamists in the film;)


Carteiras 2011

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |


Hoje vim postar as muitas carteiras que fiz ultimamente.
Graças a Deus, já foram quase todas vendidas. ^^

Acho que essa semana, conseguirei engomar outras estampas. Espero... rs

Boa semana!



15 Ianuarie

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Norul tipa, dunii latra,
Marea se zvârcole-n veci,
Prin scheletele de piatra,
Ce-n natura cea maratra,
Stau batrâne, slabe, seci.

În castelul trist si mare,
Ce se nalta rece, sur,
Cu fantasticul lui mur,
Printre stânci cu poala-n mare
Si cu fruntea-n cer de-azur;

În castel izbind de nouri,
Sta-n fereastra ca un arc,
Într-a marei lungi ecouri,
Fata-n val de gând si nouri ­
Al serafilor monarc.

Un monarc cu fata pala
Si cu par de-un aur blond,
Iar în ochiu-i, vagabund,
Vezi lumina matinala ­
Stele-albastre fara fund.

Cine-i îngerul pe maluri,
Ce viseaza în castel,
Când al marei vis rebel
Sfarma lumile-i de valuri
De pamântul eternel?

Cine-i zâna fara nume
Ce priveste tot în veci,
Printre stânci de pietre seci,
Cum se scutura de spume
Ale marei unde reci?

Ea priveste ca o luna
Dintr-un nor de piatra, sur,
Ce-o întuneca-mprejur
Cerul norii îsi aduna
Si castelul l-înconjur.
Mihai Eminescu: Cine-i?


What are these creatures?

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Here is a photo of a greeting card I folded last month.  I hope people can tell what these creatures are, if they have seen the movie.  I am a big fan of Hayao Miyazaki and so excited to honor my all-time favorite characters in the form of origami!  I found the instructions of this model from Aruchu Masa's website (アル中MasaのおつまみGAMES!).

photo by An Vu.

I gave My neighbor Totoro soundtrack album to my friend's toddler daughter for Christmas, and for the cover of the CD, I made something similar to the card above.  When I gave it to her, she recognized Totoro right away, and that made me so happy. It was like, I made it just to see her recognizes it.  This is one of many reasons why I love making origami.  Every time after I make something I show it to someone recognizes it or to see a reaction.  I know everybody else who loves origami can relate to me!

P.S. I also gave her another CD, which was a collection of all the Hayao Miyazaki movie songs.  I drew a picture of Kiki and Gigi from Kiki's Delivery Service as its cover.  She recognized them in my drawing as well!


This is my first blog posting.

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Here is my blog site, finally!  I plan to use it to keep records of my artworks, announce my upcoming events such as classes and art shows, introduce some awesome origami books and related products, share my inspiration, and much much more!  Through this blog I hope that I will inspire people to try this profound form of art, and I also hope to connect with other origamists.


Origami videos: daisy, horse, owl

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Dear Reader,

We've posted some more videos on our Youtube channel.

Be sure to check out our origami daisy, horse, and owl videos:




Origami Instructor


Selo de qualidade ^^

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Já estou de volta da praia e de volta ao blog... ^^
Recebi esse selo de qualidade do Vitor e tem as regrinhas básicas:

Falar 10 coisas sobre mim e oferecer a 10 amigos.

  1. Tímida... e muito (por incrível que pareça...rs) até conhecer melhor a pessoa;
  2. Criativa (acho...);
  3. Comilona;
  4. Simpática;
  5. Adoro fazer e ganhar origami; ^^
  6. Amo meu marido e minha família;
  7. Adoro ver as novidades nos blogs amigos;
  8. Não gosto muito de fazer coisas repetitivas;
  9. Sou muito desorganizada;
  10. Caseira.
Agora as minhas indicações:
  1. http://terapiadopapel.blogspot.com/
  2. http://vaniapassosorigami.blogspot.com/
  3. http://www.sakuraorigami.com.br/
  4. http://origamieorigami.blogspot.com/
  5. http://yuritoyuki.blogspot.com/
  6. http://diagramascia.blogspot.com/
  7. http://delicatesses.blogspot.com/
  8. http://vitororigami.blogspot.com/
  9. http://martaorigamis.wordpress.com/
  10. http://tatiyumi.blogspot.com/


Black Sea

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

Modele: Toy Boat si Simple Boat - 2 barcute foarte simpatice de la Oriland
Autori:Yuri and Katrin Shumakov (Oriland)
Diagrama: Origami Sailing

Model: Calut de mare
Diagrama: papercraftcentral.net
