O kusudama de Tomoko Fuse, denumita Cherry Blossom Ball, diagrama se gaseste in "Origami Tanteidan Magazine 72".
Module: 30 module mari (7 cm) + 60 module mici (1/16).
Complexitate: medie.
Pe youtube se poate gasi un filmulet care da mai multe detalii despre module si asamblarea lor.
"last year-soul flying through cherry blossom clouds" - Nagata Koi
Origami sighting!
We were watching the movie "Con Air" on tv and there was a scene in the movie where Nicholas Cage's character was in prison and received an origami flapping bird from his daughter! Had to pause the tv to take this picture!
The origami flapping bird is sure a popular one. Last time, we saw it in the tv series "Medium".
Diagrama pentru nuferi se gaseste aici.
Creepy Crawly Origami Spider
Check out this 8-legged origami spider! Is it cool or what? :)
This one's still sitting on my desk coz it's still fun to look at! Do try folding one yourself! Here are the folding instructions:
Origami Spider
Modular Origami Pinwheel
This is a great looking origami but does require some patience. If you don't mind having to fold the same unit/module 8 times, then you're more patient than me! :)
The assembly is a bit tricky initially but once you get the hang of it, it really wasn't too bad.
Find the instructions here:
Modular Origami Pinwheel
Oribana este o ramură a origami-ului, care constă din crearea de aranjamente florale. Denumirea vine de la îmbinarea celor doi termeni ce definesc această "artă": origami şi ikebana.
Ikebana este arta aranjamentele florale în stil japonez,arta tablourilor vii. Florile sunt aranjate în vase după anumite tehnici şi principii. În aranjamentul florilor se urmăresc câteva reguli specifice şi necesare cum ar fi forma imperfectă, neregularitatea, înfăţişarea simplă, săracă, dar în acelaşi timp delicată şi fragilă.
Singura diferenţă dintre ikebana şi oribana este că la oribana, atât florile precum şi vasele în care florile sunt aranjate sunt făcute din hârtie.
Cei care au inventat acest termen, sunt Katrin şi Yuri Shumakov - de la Oriland. Ei au foarte multe modele oribana. Site-ul dedicat acestei arte este: http://www.oribana.com/
Pe site-ul http://oriland.com/ se găsesc câteva diagrame cu flori şi vaze. De asemenea, tot acolo, se găsesc de vânzare 3 dvd-uri cu aranjamente: "Delight", "Charm" şi "Beauty".
Spring pirouette
Unul din modelele din Oribana Delight - Spring pirouette, este alcătuit din 23 de module, are complexitatea mediu/complex. Are in compoziţie o vază (variaţie de "Fancy vase") , o orhidee (Orhidee Cattleya) şi o ramură de leandru.
Modelele de origami ce se poarta denumirea de planare(Intersecting Planes Model) sunt alcatuite din mai multe module ce prin asamblare, dau impresia de figuri plane ce se intersecteaza unele pe altele.
Tung Ken Lam, a fost primul care a inventat un astfel de model - WXYZ, in 1999. Este un model care arata foarte bine si nu este dificil de facut (iti da batai de cap doar la asamblarea ultimelor module). Modelul WXYZ a fost foarte bine primit in comunitatea de origami, determinand origamisti precum Francis Ow si Meenakshi Mukerji sa inventeze alte modele in genul acesta.
Exemple de modele facute de Meenakshi Mukerji se pot gasi aici: http://www.origamee.net/gallery/planars.html
David Petty, este cel care a facut diagramele pentru multe din planare, si aceste diagrame se pot gasi pe site-ul sau: http://www.davidpetty.me.uk/
WXYZ (4 triunghiuri) - Tung Ken Lam
Modelul este alcatuit din 12 module ce formeaza 4 planuri triunghiulare intersectate.
Diagrama se gaseste aici: http://kusudama.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/lam_wxyz.gif
Octahedral Cross - Tung Ken Lam
Modelul este alcatuit din 12 module ce formeaza 3 planuri intersectate.
Diagrama se gaseste aici: http://www.davidpetty.me.uk/origamiemporium/images/lam_octahedral_cross.gif
Origami Vase for your Origami Flowers
If you've made the origami flowers, then you might want an origami vase to hold your flowers. At least, I did!
I first made this easy origami vase with a regular 6" square origami paper. The vase turned out good but was a bit too small to hold more than one flower.
So then I used an 8 1/4" square origami paper and made a larger vase which held the origami day lilies shown below.
If you don't have the large origami paper, Amazon has some selection and there's a great 4-for-Price-of-3 sale going on. I've stocked up on the larger origami paper myself, thanks to the sale.
Find the origami folding instructions below:
Easy Origami Vase
...Origami Flowers!
Below are the origami flowers we currently have in the site. Aren't they beautiful? Try folding one or all!
Click on the link below for folding instructions. Happy Spring!
Origami Flowers Instructions
YOU asked for it and here it is!
The Origami Cube, that is. We've gotten requests for an origami cube so here it is. This is an easy modular origami. You'll need 6 pieces of paper since a cube has 6 sides.
Check out the instructions below...Try it then send us a photo of your creation!
Origami Cube Folding Instructions
Origami Rat-----tatouille!
I'm not crazy about rats but Remy in Ratatouille was quite endearing. And kids seem to love him. So this one is for all the kids (and adults!) who love Remy and Ratatouille.
It doesn't require many folds and it's fairly easy. Kids may need help on the last step, which is a squash fold to make the ears but that is really an optional step.
Find the folding instructions here:Pop! goes the...
Origami Popper! Also called the Origami Banger, this is an action origami that I grew up with. You can make it with printer paper or even newspaper.
The sound it makes can be surprisingly loud. If you teach your kids to make this, you must be prepared to hear popping sounds at any time of day! :)
Find the folding instructions here:
Origami Popper or Origami Banger
Not too late for St Patrick's Day origami!
Make origami clovers to show your Irish spirit!
We just uploaded instructions for a 3 leaf origami clover:
and there's also instructions for a 4 leaf lucky clover on the site:
Wanna be a Ninja?
Then you need some ninja stars!! It's cheapest if you make them yourselves! :)
The instructions on how to fold this cool origami have been uploaded. We've made sure that there are tons of step by step photos to help you.
Go ahead and try it! It's sure to bring lots of fun!
Origami Ninja Star Instructions
Algumas pessoas escrevendo dizendo que não estavam conseguindo fazer o envelope de tsuru pelo diagrama...
Bom, resolvi pintar para ver se ajuda... ^^
Achei um vídeo também...
Origami sighting in NBC's Medium!
Did you watch NBC's drama Medium last night? If you did, you might have seen the origami flapping bird in this episode.
One of the drama's characters, a teenage girl, was shown to have a small collection of origami flapping birds.
Do you have an origami collection? Do share if you do!
We updated our origami flapping bird page recently and there's also a new video. The wings of this bird flaps really nicely! Check them out at:
Origami Flapping Bird
Origami Flapping Bird Video
Easy Origami Elephant
If you've seen the dollar bill origami elephant, then you'll know that it's quite a realistic but challenging origami.
This easy origami elephant is much easier and great for kids. One of our readers has already made this origami and send us their picture!
See their photo and find out how to make this origami elephant here:
Easy Origami Elephant
Origami Polar Bear
Remember the polar bear in the coca-cola commercial? This origami polar bear reminds me of that. What do you think? An uncanny resemblance? :)
This is a cute and fairly easy origami polar bear. You will need to make a squash fold and an inside reverse fold, which are just fancy names for fairly common folds in origami.
Find the instructions for this origami here:
Origami Polar Bear
Do you have a fox face?
No? Then make one!
This is a good one for kids. It's easy and only a few folds. Try it with your kid!
Find out how to make this origami fox face here:
Origami Fox Face
Muitas pessoas pediram o diagrama do envelepe... outras me mandaram o diagrama, mas não era bem esse, mas a Mariza e a Odete achoran e me enviaram... ^^
Estou colocando o link...
E uma outra versão que a Odete e a Sabrina me enviaram...
Muitíssimo obrigada pela colaboração de vcs!! ^_^
Ladybug, Ladybird, ee-ther, i-ther!
let's call them lady beetles?! coz that's what they are!
Ladybugs/ladybirds are from the family of Coccinellidae, which is a family of beetles.
Americans call them ladybugs, British and Australians call them ladybirds and some pc scientists call them lady beetles. Now that we've the "ladies" settled, what do we call the men?!
Whatever you call them, you'll agree that this origami is cute. Do try it, it's not hard at all.
I used a 3" square paper instead of the regular 6" so that they're cute and tiny.
Find out the origami instructions for ladybug here:
Origami Best Seller
- Cherry Blossom Ball
- Origami sighting!
- Pentru Miha
- Nuferi
- Creepy Crawly Origami Spider
- Modular Origami Pinwheel
- Oribana
- Planare
- Origami Vase for your Origami Flowers
- Spring is Here! Perfect time for.....
- YOU asked for it and here it is!
- Origami Rat-----tatouille!
- Pop! goes the...
- Not too late for St Patrick's Day origami!
- Wanna be a Ninja?
- Envelope de tsuru 3
- Origami sighting in NBC's Medium!
- Easy Origami Elephant
- Origami Polar Bear
- Do you have a fox face?
- Envelope de tsuru 2
- Ladybug, Ladybird, ee-ther, i-ther!
- 1 Martie
- Spring Project - Martisor
- Mărţişor
- Envelope de Tsuru
- Presentinho da Téfas
- Presentinho - Desafio de Natal...