Here's a shirt that really looks "money". It's an origami shirt made from a dollar bill, although you could use any paper money.
Our instructions for the money origami shirt are here.
Model: Chief Rat
Autor: Cuong Hung Nguyen
Diagrama: Origami USA Collection 2008
Acum doi ani am dat peste o poza cu acest soricel gen Ratatouille. L-am vazut pe un site, si m-am atasat foarte tare de model, dar problema era ca nu exista diagrama, ci doar crease patternul. Asa ca m-am multumit numai cu admiratul si am sperat ca va apare candva si diagrama ca sa incerc si eu sa-l fac.
Ei bine, zilele acestea, Criss a descoperit diagrama in USA Convetion Book si a impaturit acest soricel in varianta bleo. Mai multe poze cu soricelul lui Criss gasiti pe forum. Ii sunt recunoscatoare pentru aceasta descoperire.
Aceasta este varianta mea. Din pacate, cu toate ca hartia pe care am folosit-o este speciala pentru origami, nu s-a potrivit prea bine la modelul acesta mai ales la reluarile impaturirilor a cativa pasi care mi-au dat ceva batai de cap.
Expozitie de origami ADOR in Cluj - Atelier
Sambata, octombrie, intre orele 11:00-14:00, va invit la al doilea atelier de origami realizat in cadrul expozitiei ADOR din Cluj, la libraria Diverta din centru (str. Universitatii nr. 1). Eu si Criss va vom astepta cu drag, sa petreceti impreuna cateva ore in minunata lumea origami.
Atelier origami la ceainaria Sakura
Origami Fail
Inevitably when folding origami, its bound to happen when something you attempt doesn't turn out like it was intended. It's particularly true when trying something for the first time, or when you try something fairly difficult. My favorite type of origami is geometric and modular origami. As I've said in the past, my favorite author/designer is Tomoko Fuse. Another origamist that I've found that is a very close second is Daniel Kwan. He doesn't have any books published sadly (that I'm aware of), but he is incredible. He has made several of his models available for free by posting the diagrams on his Flickr account. He's also posted pictures of his models (the ones with diagrams & some without). His modular origami gallery is here. Much to my sadness I realized the other day as I was perusing his Flickr account that Daniel Kwan is no longer designing modular origami :( There are some of his models that I love that he has no diagrams for, and from the sounds of it he doesn't plan on making them. That being said, he has diagrams for some really awesome models. A side note here is that he gave up his modular designing to pursue designing origami tessellations; if he's going to give up modular origami, that's a good area to switch to. As it is to be expected from someone that has designed such great modular work, his tessellations are incredible as well. His origami tessellations gallery is here.
Back to my reference of failed origami attempts, here are a few pictures of my attempting some of Daniel Kwan's work. The first one of his models I tried was the Six Interlocking Pentagonal Prisms. I first saw a picture of this model while surfing the Internet for origami pictures about 6 or 7 years ago. I loved it because it reminded me of Tom Hull's Five Intersecting Tetrahedra, which I had folded a few times. I didn't see or find anything else on the model until more recently. I found that Daniel had posted the instructions for the model on Flickr and wanted to give it a whirl. The instructions are here, here, and here.
My first attempt was going fine until I started assembling the last Prism with the rest of the model. I had had to make a little change to the instructions. In his design he uses three pieces connected to form the long pieces of each prism; these pieces are the ones interlocked. I had decided to use one piece of paper so that the model would be stronger. To do that I assembled it as the instructions told and then simply measure how long it needed to be. Well, I think I measured a little short. As I was assembling the final prism together, it was too short and it became a real hassle to assemble. As a result, the paper was overworked and looked pretty sloppy in certain areas. Granted, it still went together and looks pretty good, but I tend to be a perfectionist and wanted to do a better one. Here's the first attempt:
You can see where the prisms weren't quite big enough on the red prism. Notice how the one edge is crumpled a little; also the purple prism on the bottom is crumpled. |
Another angle of the first attempt. You can see where blue prism towards the upper right and green prism on the right are buckled in. |
You can see how the green prism is way too tall. The result would be the same no matter what prism you used to stand on its end. |
With this picture you can tell how much taller I made the second attempt; much too tall. Next time I'll attempt something in between. |
I attempted a second one of Daniel's models about a week ago. This one was the Four Interlocking Triangular Prisms. Its a difficult model to assemble due to the inability of getting your fingers inside the model. I still like the model. I was happy with the way it turned out, especially considering it was my first attempt. The diagrams are here: page 1, page 2, page 3, and page 4.
Here is my first attempt at Daniel Kwan's Four Interlocking Triangular Prisms. I was pleased with the way it turned out, although not perfect. |
Another angle of my first attempt at the Four Triangular Prisms by Daniel Kwan. |
Daniel has lots of models that I would love to fold and attempt, and look forward to trying them. Once I do, I'll post about it. Until then, enjoy these.
Model: Rat
Autor: Eric Joisel
Expozitie de origami ADOR in Cluj - Atelier
Revin cu poze de la Atelierul de origami de la Diverta, realizat in cadrul expozitiei ADOR:
Spre deosebire de atelierul anterior (tinut de Maci si Criss), la acesta au participat foarte multi copii si foarte putini adulti.
Am avut 3 fetite foarte dragute, care au prins foarte repede miscarile: Ana, Alexia si Alexandra (da, da... triplu A). A mai fost un baietel care a desfacut modelele care erau pe masa de exemplu ca sa vada cum sunt facute si le-a reasamblat, apoi a fost in stare sa reproduca cateva din ele si care a facut un pic si pe profesorul invatand pe Alexia sa faca un catel.
Cel mai placut moment de la acest atelier a fost cand au venit o fata si un baiat (cred ca erau studenti, din pacate nu le-am retinut numele) cu un icosaedru din 3 culori la care au lucrat ei si pe care nu au reusit sa-l inchida astfel incat sa se potriveasca culorile si ne-am straduit sa-l reparam. Intr-un final am reusit.
Din pacate, in Romania exista conceptia gresita cum ca origami este pentru copii si cu toate ca de mai bine de 2 ani incoace forumul de origami arata altceva - si anume ca latura pentru copii din aceasta arta este doar varful aisbergului probabil ca vor trece multi ani pana cand aceasta convingere se va resfrange asupra majoritatii.
Money Origami Bow Tie
We've added instructions for making a bow tie out of a dollar bill, or other paper money.
Check out our money origami bow tie! You're sure to look sharp wearing it.
Expozitie de origami ADOR in Cluj - Atelier
Sambata, 25 septembrie, intre orele 11:00-14:00, va invit la al doilea atelier de origami realizat in cadrul expozitiei ADOR din Cluj, la libraria Diverta din centru (str. Universitatii nr. 1). Eu si Criss va vom astepta cu drag, sa petreceti impreuna cateva ore in minunata lumea origami.
origami enigma cube by david mitchell + folding instructions
Hoje vim postar o kusudama "Anniversary", da Mio Tsugawa.
Ele é bem simples e o resultado é bem bonito... ^^
Tenham uma ótima semana!!
Ceainaria Sakura
S-a deschis in Cluj Ceainaria cu specific japonez SAKURA (strada Motilor, nr. 48 - langa Spitalul de Copii).
De luni pana vineri de la 12:00 la 20:00 puteti servi ceaiuri specific japoneze (si nu numai) intr-un ambient placut.
De asemenea, destul de curand se vor redeschide intalnirile cercului Prietenii Japoniei, intalniri care vor avea loc in cadrul Ceainariei.
Origami Best Seller
- Butler
- Money Origami Shirt
- Doodle Jump
- Ratatouille
- Robots
- Expozitie de origami ADOR in Cluj - Atelier
- Atelier origami la ceainaria Sakura
- Company Policy
- Origami Fail
- Driving Instructor
- Soricel
- Expozitie de origami ADOR in Cluj - Atelier
- Inception Unrated
- Facebook Hates You
- The Renaissance
- Money Origami Bow Tie
- Origami workshop at Diverta, in Cluj ( 18 septembr...
- Powerpoint Presentation
- Expozitie de origami ADOR in Cluj - Atelier
- Use Your Words
- origami enigma cube by david mitchell + folding in...
- Breaking News
- Kusudama Anniversary
- Ceainaria Sakura
- Thief
- Sports
- Take Your Child to Work Part 4
- Books
- Origami Koi Video
- Atelier de origami gratuit la Diverta din Cluj
- Expozitie de origami ADOR in Cluj - Atelier
- In the future...
- Envelope de tsuru...
- Expozitia ADOR din Cluj, la Diverta Universitatii
- Nigerian Email Scam
- Hipsters
- More Sonobe Balls
- Expozitie de origami - ADOR in Cluj (detalii)
- Sonobe Balls and Tomoko Fuse
- Take Your Child to Work Part 3
- Take Your Child to Work Day 2
- Expozitie de Origami in CLUJ
- Take Your Child to Work Part 1
- Expozitia ADOR se muta in Cluj
- Superação.... ^^
- Didgeridoo
- Scientology
- Expozitie de origami - ADOR in Cluj
- Butterfly
- Premii
- The radio
- Care Package
- Origami Crane Video
- Lembrancinha - Nó Chinês
- It's a small world...
- Eric Gjerde's Tessellations
- Workshops again
- Sfarsit de vara
- Eagle
- Lock in Room
- Carteira + Porta moedas
- Just a Heads Up
- Tomoko Fuse Floral Origami Globes
- Youtube
- Ateliere de origami gratuite la Diverta/ Free orig...
- Tomoko Fuse's Origami Quilts
- Workshops, workshops, workshops
- Blogging