
Happy Birthday, Packy!

Diposting oleh Agus Sudrajat |

May 14th was a big day at the Oregon Zoo, where thousands of people gathered to celebrate the elephant Packy's 50th birthday!  I felt honored to be a part of such a great event.  It was a very busy day especially given the beautiful spring weather, but thanks to the zoo event staff and volunteers as well as my two former student helpers, I had a wonderful day.

Our booth was set near the birthday cakes (one for Packy's another one for zoo visitors).  The birthday cake for Packy was so funny looking, with whole carrots, celery and bananas as toppings!  It was huge, but I heard Packy chowed it down in less than a minute, so he must have enjoyed it.

A banner with birthday wishes for Packy
My booth
Zoo visitors folding elephants
Honorable Birthday Elephant, Packy

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